about us


We are specialists for the time when your body translates the load into improvement and new performance potentials. Many underestimate this phase, but this is precisely where champions separate from sportsman.

Optimal recovery is one of the most important foundations in today’s competitive sports. Because the most important time is actually after training/competition/workout. The muscles stressed by the training must be repaired, the energy stores replenished, the psyche relaxed and the whole system made fit again.

And that’s exactly what happens – when you don’t do anything, rest or in best case sleep! But your body then works at full speed – if you give it what it needs.

Injuries, weaknesses in competition, cramps – all this can be avoided by good regeneration.

Reward your hard training: give your body what it needs to be ready for the next session. We support you with products that not only promise the highest quality, but also make your life easier.

Here we are at home

Made in Germany is everything with us – from most raw materials to production and quality control. But our top products are made for the sports enthusiasts of the world.

Quality is what we burn for!


For us, it is a destiny. We live for this concept and do not want to sell you any products without any relevant benefits. That’s why we built Z Konzept on 5 pillars.

Scientific Approach
As sports nutrition specialists, it is very important for us that all active ingredients have been scientifically studied and that the dosage is up to date with the current state of science. Research is developing new approaches in an ever shorter period of time, but unfortunately the industry rarely implements them. It is easier for them to maintain old easy-to-sell standards.

We have started to change that. Our aim is to provide you with the best and latest ingredients and products – but only if it makes sense. If it doesn´t make sense it has no room for us.

24 hours athletes
We want to give you a good and meaningful product at any time of the day that will help you achieve your goals. In essence, our products are the answer to the question: “How can training or regeneration be optimally supported and which products complement each other sensibly?” After all, it is important for you to find the right level of training and relaxation and the diet that suits your metabolism. That’s why you will not find all essential products, but also absolute specialties.
Premium is essential
Premium quality at an affordable price is an absolute priority for us. Some raw materials have a great reputation, but if you look behind the scenes, you realize that it doesn’t help at all. The customer should always get something new, whether that makes sense or not. That is not the way we are doing.

We believe that our customers want honest and meaningful products. You know that food accounts for about 70% of the success. And they know that quality here is all crucial. We therefore only produce in Germany with the best raw material sources and tested quality. Of course, the production facilities meet ISO and IFS standards and produce according to the HACCP principle.

Perfect taste for every day
Since we want you to take our products in the long term, we have put a lot of energy into giving you the best taste on the market, the best instant quality and especially easy application. If you eat something every day, taste and application are crucial. That’s why we test extensively in order to learn the opinion of the customers and to continuously improve the products. If you want to be there, just sign up: makingbetter@z-konzept-nutrition.de
We believe in transparency
For us, transparency and sustainability are not buzzwords, but our moral obligation. This means that on all products and promotional materials you will always get the full detailed information about ingredients and nutritional values. We always declare per 100g and per serving. For example, if you only use milk per serving, you can’t understand how much protein is contained in 100g. But that is precisely what is crucial for the quality of a protein shake.

I am Mr. Z

I am the Mr. Z behind Z Konzept Nutrition. And so that you can show who is behind the products, I will briefly introduce myself here.

Even as a boy I was curious and interested in technology and science. Especially the human body and its function I found totally exciting. So chemistry became one of my favorite subjects and later I studied food chemistry.

At the same time, as a teenager, I had been intensively engaged in sports and later strength sports.

I am Mr. Z

I am the Mr. Z behind Z Konzept Nutrition. And so that you can show who is behind the products, I will briefly introduce myself here.

Even as a boy I was curious and interested in technology and science. Especially the human body and its function I found totally exciting. So chemistry became one of my favorite subjects and later I studied food chemistry.

At the same time, as a teenager, I had been intensively engaged in sports and later strength sports.

What I did before
In 1992 I was Head of Research & Development at Haleko. I was lucky enough to combine hobby and profession, nothing more is possible. I was responsible for innovations and new products of what was at that time the largest European brand: Multipower. I felt like a kid in the candy store. So I had the unique opportunity to initiate groundbreaking trends such as L-Carnitine and Creatine products.

This was reinforced once again when I established the brand Weider, which was only known in the States at the time, as the first managing director in Germany. Raising this baby with me was a lot of fun and we moved a lot.

Why I do what I do
I don’t know how you feel, but I’ve noticed a negative trend in the industry in recent years. With all the brands you can buy now, there is little that really satisfies me as an athlete and food chemist.

My decision was therefore clear: I followed my heart and here you can see the result: Z Konzept is my brand and combines a clear concept with attractive products.

I just want to develop products that take into account the state of research, work well and combine the best quality and with an incredible taste.

This is important for me
It is also important to me not to make empty promises. We will only deal transparently and honestly with our customers. Stop empty promises, only solid scientific information. I am convinced that it is time to treat people just the way they want to be treated.

The products are such that I take them myself every day with full conviction and enjoyment. And as a scientist, I just want the best. Quality comes first.

I’m curious how you find my Konzept, let me know, I look forward to your feedback.