How to maintain your muscles’ energy supply for more stamina and performance

The energy supply of the muscles is the most important thing in endurance sports to persevere and get your full performance. This applies to competitive athletes as well as to every athlete. Whether weightlifters, footballers or runners – without muscles nothing moves in our lives. For our body to move, muscle fibers must alternately contract and expand. For this, the muscle needs energy.

Where does the energy come from?

Basically, we absorb the energy that our body needs to function in the form of food. In order to make the delicious noodles and the steak energy that the body can use, the metabolism “burns” the food and releases energy.

Since we do not need all the energy from the metabolism immediately, our body stores it in different depots: as cell energy (ATP), creatine phosphate, glycogen and fat. So that it is available more or less quickly as needed.

How does the energy get into the muscles?

After we have stored enough energy, it must be called up at the right moment to supply the muscles. And there it gets exciting …

Muscles are picky. You can only use one type of energy: ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is produced in the cells when protein, carbohydrates and fats from food are burned. The catch: ATP can only be saved very briefly. This means that the energy lasts only a few seconds and must be constantly regenerated.

For this purpose, the body’s own energy storage systems are tapped. Also very quickly available for the energy supply of muscles is creatine phosphate. But even with that you can’t get far as an endurance athlete – a maximum of 45 seconds. The energy from the cell’s own ATP storage and creatine is important for the so-called explosive power. It is available without oxygen supply. These energy storage devices are made for sports like weightlifting.

Where do the muscles take their energy for endurance sports?

What can be done to get as continuous energy as possible for endurance sports such as running or cycling? For this, our body has a sophisticated energy supply system.

You can imagine this like a space shuttle. The rocket needs an enormous amount of energy to take off and take off from Earth. For a short time. In the second phase, the energy must last longer. Because then the rocket needs thrust to get far enough away from Earth and reach its orbit. Once reached this our space shuttle then flies forever with an even supply of energy.

To land – i.e. in endurance sports for the final sprint and finish – it takes an extra boost of energy and speed to be able to leave the “comfortable” orbit.

The energy to get started

For this, our muscles need carbohydrates as energy suppliers. But fast, please! There is no time for large conversion processes. So the muscle cell grabs the glycogen stores. These can be converted into muscle energy within narrow limits, i.e. for up to 2 minutes, even without oxygen (anaerobic) by breaking down glucose (sugar).

However, lactic acid (lactate) is produced. Inexperienced athletes feel this the day after as a sore muscle. This happens especially when intensive training is done for more than these 2 minutes without taking sufficient breaks. The muscles simply run out of energy and they literally cry out for oxygen in order to be able to use the larger energy stores.

With this energy source, the muscles can be intensively strained for a short time. So a sprint is already in there. Being breathless after a short-distance run shows you: Now the body needs more oxygen, otherwise it strikes. The next source of energy must be opened up. It obviously needs oxygen to function.

The pipeline for the continuous energy supply of the muscles

If the muscles are stressed at lower intensity over a longer period of time, as is common in endurance sports, the carbohydrates and gradually also the fat stores are converted into ATP with the help of oxygen and used to generate energy for the muscles. Since these are the largest energy stores, the muscles are continuously supplied with energy over a very long period of time. Which energy storage is used therefore depends on the intensity and duration of the training.

A full-fledged diet with complex carbohydrates ensures always well-filled energy storage. In order to have a good starting power for the start and the final sprint, such as the thrust on the rocket, a fast energy supply of the muscles can be provided immediately before the training or the final sprint with carbohydrate-rich drinks, bars or energy gels. For example, a footballer needs both stamina and speed when he storms to the goal or has to defend goal getters.

How Energy Gels Help To Power Muscles

The same “trick” also helps to maintain the energy supply of the muscles safely and continuously on the long distance, as in the marathon. Drinks and gels such as the new Pro Energy Gel, which we recommend, are particularly helpful. Because gel or liquid can also be taken comfortably during training and competition.

Pro Energy Gel contains glucose and fructose, which are absorbed extremely quickly by the blood without straining the metabolism. They provide energy for the muscles almost immediately. Maltodextrine, a carbohydrate mixture, is also present. This arrives 30% faster in the blood than glucose. This is to say the turbo for the energy supply of the muscles.

The new Pro Energy Gel for more endurance and start-up speed

These three high-calories ingredients (60 carbohydrate content in the product) in an optimal ratio of 7:1:1 (maltodextrine, fructose, glucose) provide fast energy and a pleasant, naturally sweet taste without straining.

Pro Energy Gel was developed according to the latest scientific findings. In addition, 150 mg of salt per serving ensures optimal compensation for the sodium that is lost during sweating.